wythall radio club

having fun with RF

Archive for the ‘Fun’


August 28, 2024 By: john daws Category: Club, Fun, News

Members of Wythall Radio Club are not just based in the West Midlands: we can boast membership as far afield as  St. Helena , Cardiff and Torquay! Kev G4XLO is a tremendous supporter of our activities and a real QRP enthusiast. Here he writes of a successful low noise G4XLO/P outing to Daddyhole Plain. (Lovely place name: Ed.)

Kev G4XLO in relaxed mode with friends

“Ever since I moved to Devon in late 2016 I’ve wanted to operate portable as the noise level here in Torquay is really bad- there is so much noise it’s sometimes impossible to really ‘see’ what is out there .

I was quite lucky last year as I’d saved some pennies for a portable setup and has taken a few attempts to get it all working as it should and streamlining the setup so it deploys quickly. Sadly with family and work   I can’t get out as often as I’d like but these are the times I really look forward to.

I woke up this morning and as I have a weeks leave and the station manager (!) gave me a pass out to play some radio, I headed to my normal place I love here called Daddyhole Plain which is in Torquay and the spot I use is a clifftop car park (free of course!) located 300 yards from the Coast watch station.

My equipment is quite simple, this is the station I use:

1.Yaesu FT817ND

2.Yaesu SCU17 digital interface

3.LDG Z817 auto tuner + 4. Long wire supporter on a SOTABEAM 6m mast

          Kev’s very neat mobile set up.

The kit  can be quickly up and working and in 20 minutes I was fully charged on batteries and ready to go with  2.5 Watts maximum. 

It was a breezy morning on the plain so I had secured the mast with velcro supports (again purchased from Sotabeams.) 

Sotabeam 6 metre mast supporting Kev’s long wire mounted high on Daddyhole Plain

I initially started calling CQ on 20m FT8 and then calling individual stations

I worked just the 4 stations in about an hour, Balearic Islands, Mainland Spain as well as a new one for this year Algeria 7X3WPL which was just over 1200 miles away from my QTH; there was also an SSB QSO I didn’t log as I forgot the last letter of his callsign. (note to self, next time take paper and pen!)

There were a couple of people walking on the Plain who were keen to see what I was doing so I spent a good 20 minutes explaining what Ham Radio is and how we communicate using different modes; they were witness to my HB9 SSB QSO. (Incidentally he gave me a 5 by 2 report) 

Another reason I forgot the last letter of the call for the log as I was busy explaining how the radio was working !!

The breeze picked up…. the mast fell down…..  so time to head for Tesco up the road from where I was to get lunch for the XYL and the junior op!!

G4XLO’s impressive log for the mobile QRP session on Daddyhole Plain


A morning well spent  and  some very satisfying  QSO’s with  very low power.”



Kev G4XLO in Torquay

Visit us on Sunday!

August 27, 2024 By: Chris G3YHF Category: Club, Fun, News



Wythall Radio Club members will be demo-ing their radio equipment at their ‘Plug and Play’ event this Sunday 8th Sept.

Come and visit us!

We’ll be in the field behind Wythall House, near the Scout Hut.

We’ll have antenna masts up and Club flags flying!

If you do visit us, don’t forget there is a modest charge to use the Wythall Park car park until mid-day.

Summer evening RF fun – and inspiration!

August 20, 2024 By: Chris G3YHF Category: Club, Fun, News

More sunny Tuesday evenings extended Wythall Radio Club’s portable operation from the lawn outside our base.

On our third week of activity, we had three stations operational. 

The Club call GX4WAC/P was activated using Neil G1TZC’s portable satellite gear. 

This resulted in an impromptu net through the geostationary satellite QO-100 with DJ4FF (Robert), HB9FIY (Chris) and our new Club member Garry ZD7GWM.

The station was the usual ground-station with the 60cm folding dish. The Goonhilly webSDR was used on receive because the satellite was partially obscured by a tree, but the up-link signal into QO-100 was enough to be given a 58 signal report from receiving stations.

Martin 2E0XFI/P set up on another part of the lawn and was delighted with the results using his IC705 and 17 foot-long telescopic vertical, achieving 5 watt FT8 QSOs with Indonesia and 3W9A Vietnam. 

To complete the trio of stations, Chris G3YHF/P brought a home-made 20m delta loop on an 8m pole. 

With Ian, M0LQY, he worked around Europe on the key and had a very pleasant chat with Torgen SA5TBE on SSB – 59 both ways. 

Finally, the light faded, the midges came out and the lawn was emptied of kit and activity.

But that’s not the end of the story!

Our portable lightweight antennas inspired Ian M0LQY to search the SOTABEAMS web-site, where he found a design for a multi-band doublet

Quickly purchasing some lightweight SOTABEAMS cable and spaces, he had one constructed within an hour. 

For the doublet centre, he crafted a small piece of plastic tube with two holes drilled in it and a cable tie to fit the top of a telescopic mast.

The following week the doublet was quickly raised on Chris G3YHF’s 8m telescopic mast. 

The mast survived some bending as the two doublet legs were untangled – as the photo shows!  But within a few minutes we were on the air.

Using an FT817 and small auto-atu, a very low SWR achieved on the higher HF bands and 5 watts of FT8 gave PSK-Reporter spots across Europe.

Even as dusk turned to night, members – and visiting RSGB District Representative Martin M0JZT – could be seen discussing the results of Ian’s experiments.

Members went home for an early night or retired inside the Wythall clubhouse for refreshment, and to continue sharing experiences and ideas.

Very pleasant evenings! 

Our Club meets every Tuesday evening and visitors are always welcome there and at our special events, the programme for which is on our web site.

Our next big event will be ‘Plug and Play’ on Sunday 8th September on the rugby pitch behind the Wythall House complex. 

Members will be bringing along their own equipment to operate, using power kindly provided by Martin G8VXX’s generator.  Come and visit!



August 11, 2024 By: john daws Category: Club, Fun, News


August may be traditionally a downtime for activities but last Tuesday the Club was humming with activity both inside and out as   members turned off the Olympics and convened at Wythall house  
 Inside in the Dart’s room Martin 2E0XFI linked up his impressive Icom 705 to the Club 240′ doublet and was active on both FT8 and SSB. A problem with SSB TX was resolved when club members rallied round to problem solve (see picture)  
 Outside on the Wimbledon-shaped lawn members erected the recently donated Cushcraft HF Vertical (Thank you G0EYO) and were delighted to record impressive SWR’s on all the major bands; this will be a useful addition to our Plug and Play Field days, the Transport Museum activation and the upcoming Steam Festival in September.   
In a quiet corner of the Patio (?) Neil G1TZC had set up his QO 100 satellite station with a drone antenna and before long M6KET was relieved from his duty of holding a guy rope and was calling CQ on CW and working Gabriele IK7FMQ on the satellite. The next challenge to download the QSO on LOTW!!  
 Meanwhile back in the Dart’s room Martin’s TX problem with SSB transmission had been diagnosed as a faulty microphone – members  Neil G1TZC and Gary G5RGS and Mike G4VPD  rallying round to problem solve.

           Great to meet up during this usually quiet time for Amateur radio activity and share expertise and experiences .. and just chat!!



A Summer’s Evening…The VNA.. Vertical Antennas and the very handy Lawn at Wythall House

August 04, 2024 By: john daws Category: Club, Fun, News

Neil G1TZC  describes yet another successful Tuesday Evening Activity at Wythall Radio Club

” This evening we had an outdoor activity to demonstrate the use of the nano VNA tool. The aim of the evening was to demonstrate how we can see what our antenna is actually doing rather than what you think it is doing.

Several members brought along an array of interesting antennas for testing

                                               The test station ready for use

The test equipment was the VNA with the N type connectors. This was my preferred choice only because I find the N type more durable than the SMA. The VNA was connected to a Fusion 5 tablet with a clip on keyboard, running Windows 11. My reasoning is that I find the software easier to use than using the touch screen.

An important thing that many people don’t understand is how to set the unit up for use. Until recently this included me. This next bit is vital!

Once you have selected the device you must set the sweep parameters BEFORE you run the calibrate sequence.

The sweep parameters will give you the lowest hand highest frequency that you are interested in. For the first round of tests we used 1MHz to 31MHz so that it showed the full HF band for people who thought they might have multi band antennas.

Neil (foreground) demonstrates to R-L Mike, Peter and Martin. Phil and Dave G7IBO in earnest conversation in the background

Next is the calibration sequence. Connect the short / open / load adaptors to the port you are using (we used 0). After connecting each adaptor click on the button on screen. There will be a short pause as that calibration is done. This is repeated three times. Then apply the calibrations.

We were looking at SWR so we set both the SWR11 and SWR21, from the dropdowns, as what we were looking at in this instance. As soon as the antenna is connected you get to see the SWR for the entire sweep that you set. The SOTA vertical was resonant at around 6.6MHz and with a quick shortening of the antenna it was retuned to 7.1MHz.

                                        Phil’s mystery military vertical

The military antenna was attached as Phil didn’t know what it was. Instantly on connection it was showing that the it was a 28MHz antenna. We recalibrated the VNA to sweep 25MHz to 55MHz and Phil removed a couple of the lengths that made the whip and moved it down to 51MHz, so he now has two bands on the old bit of military kit.

Martin and Pete also came along with compact HF antennas designed for portable working. Martin left understanding much more about the way his antenna does what it does. Pete liked the confirmation that his antenna really did work as it said on the packet.

Chris works on his impressive 40m vertical.. with a shortening of the vertical wire an impressive SWR achieved for CW operation at the lower end of the band.

It was a very productive evening and already people are asking for a re-run focussing    on seeing how portable VHF, UHF and SHF antennas work.

If you live in the south Birmingham area, please pop along to the Tuesday club night. Sometimes we are doing stuff, other times it is a pint and a chat. “



                               TUESDAY  6TH AUGUST   8.00 ONWARDS ON THE ‘LAWN’ WYTHALL HOUSE.


Wythall Wisdom?…. delve into our archive of members’ projects, ideas and activities!!

July 27, 2024 By: Chris G3YHF Category: Club, Fun, News, Training

Do want to know how to use cheap drone transmitter/receivers to get on 5.7GHz? – the photo shows one in operation at Broadway Tower.

Or build a J-pole antenna for bicycle mobile operation? 

Or with more activity on the HF bands as we approach the solar cycle peak, perhaps you’d like to build a small profile ‘C’-beam for 20m using easily available plastic conduit?

It’s shown in the photo left.

It’s all there – and more – in the Wythall Radio Club newsletter archive!  Click here to find the index to articles.

Or brouse the issues by clicking here.

You’ll find lots of invaluable advice, projects and ideas.

We don’t publish a newsletter these days, but try to keep the world informed on this web site.

Or come along to the Club any Tuesday evening or to one of the special events. 

Our location and contact details are on this web site.




Use a VNA to analyse your antenna

July 20, 2024 By: Chris G3YHF Category: Club, Fun, News, Training

Tiny VNAs can now be bought cheaply.

Here’s one Lee G0MTN used to test his rebuilt band-pass filters.

But how can we use them to analyse our antenna systems and improve their performance?

Wythall Radio Club members will be gathering next Tuesday 23rd. July for a practical workshop. 

We’ll be using a VNA to analyse some portable antennas.

We will plot SWR over a given frequency range and display this as a line graph.  And see what else the VNA will tell us!

As usual, 8pm at Wythall House (in the garden if the weather is ok).

Visitors always welcome – bring an antenna!

Radio Club Foxhunt fun in Wythall Park

June 29, 2024 By: john daws Category: Club, Fun, News

Whilst the nation dozed in front of their football screens on Tuesday night a very different and dynamic team (11 players ) assembled in Wythall Park for their much trailed Foxhunt organised by Neil G1TZC. The evening was warm and the almost deserted Park looked lovely in the midsummer light.

Wythall Park in the late evening sunshine

Their mission: to find a needle in a haystack or more specifically the location of a very small transmitter putting out milliwatts (see picture).

The Fox!!

There it is!! the ‘needle in the haystack’

But first 70cm tape measure antennas had to be built from  individual kits provided by Neil.. these to be attached to our hand -held radios via a length of coax before venturing out into the wilderness in search of the ‘fox’.

The individually assembled ‘tape measure antennas’ and kits ready for distribution at the start of the Foxhunt

Dogs and dog walkers alike quickly sought cover at the sight of 11 members of Wythall Radio Club , antennas held aloft  combing the wide-open spaces of Wythall Park.

In the end the ‘fox’ was discovered at the foot of a tree by Derek G1INC who returned to base triumphantly holding the trophy aloft:

A triumphant Derek (centre) returns to base with his trophy

Phil and Lee have slightly different ideas on the direction to take

Mike and Pete have just heard the England score

The assembly .. Gary in the foreground gets to grips with the screwdriver


A great evening’s entertainment superbly organised by Neil and Debra and we were able to return to the long faces in the bar with smiles on our faces and a spring in our steps.

“It was good fun – I was definitely out of practice working out what was a reflection and how strong signals should be a particular distance from a very low power transmitter. Great mid- summer evening entertainment.” Lee G0MTN

A Midsummer Night’s Team

The team on the night: Neil G1TZC, Winston 2E0EGP, Derek G1INC, Gary G5RGS, Pete M5DUO, Phil M6PCN (2E0WTH), John M6KET, Mike G4VPD, Lee G0MTN, Ian M0LQY, Martin M7XFD.





Tiny and huge antennas at Wythall!

June 20, 2024 By: Chris G3YHF Category: Club, Fun, News

Visitors welcome to join members next Tuesday 25th 8pm – 9pm at Wythall House ……

…. to build a 70cm tape measure antenna from the kits made up by Neil G1TZC and Debra, and use it to find a hidden transmitter in Wythall Park.

You don’t need to have an amateur radio licence.
All you need to bring is:
1. a hand held radio covering the 70cms amateur radio band
(if you don’t have one, you’re welcome to come along anyway and join-up with one of our members who will have one)
2. a small cross-head screwdriver
3. an adapter for your handheld SMA antenna socket so you can connect it to the PL259 on the antenna coax.
If the antenna socket on your handheld has a hole in the middle, you need a MALE SMA to SO239 adapter   
If it has a pin in the middle, you need a FEMALE SMA to SO239 adapter
Both widely available
Any questions?  Please e-mail us at   wythallradio@gmail.com
Come along for a fun evening!!

Meantime, our Club has said “Farewell” to our extending, 100 feet tall trailer mast.
The tower was used for amateur radio competitions and special event stations.  We festooned it with HF and VHF/UHF beams.
But now we’ve invested in smaller telescopic masts for our portable and special event station activities.
So our trailer tower has gone off to a new owner – thanks to the assistance of club members Lee G0MTN, Mike G4VPD and Ian M0LQY.
Here are some photos of it in use…  and leaving!

Wythall Transport Museum:On -the Air Activation. Saturday June 15th

June 18, 2024 By: john daws Category: Club, Fun, News

“Let’s do this again” some idiot said as we tidied away  in 2023 in the balmy conditions of a mid- June Saturday at The Wythall Transport Museum Activation.. it seemed a good idea at the time (and still does ) but we hadn’t reckoned on the jet stream and  some rather unseasonable weather..


A sense of what’s to come .. storm clouds over the local cricket ground?


We had been well prepared as always with a briefing from Chairman the previous Tuesday involving a few paper clips and a piece of cardboard so the antennas went up effortlessly .. (the misnamed ‘Easy-Ups less so on the next day). Many thanks to Richard who turned up to help and of course we relied heavily on Dave with his catapult and fishing reel – always a good watch.

The Tuesday briefing before the mast rehearsal.. the team poised like a spring for action.

Roger’s cavernous Range Rover  proved invaluable as ever .. it’s like a Tardis- much bigger in the inside and we kept shoving stuff in there at Wythall House: luckily Ian M0LQY had a clipboard so were all right there and no doubting who was in charge.


A grim damp morning with thunder to follow but the visitors to the Transport Museum duly arrived as did our crack team of: Dave G3YXM, John M6KET, Phil 2E0WTH, Ian M0LQY, Neil G1TZC, Clive M0KNP and  Roger M0GWM

Dog showing no interest in digital.. Derek G1INC and Gary G5RGS with Ian M0LQY: Clive M0KNP looks impressed.

Neil’s impressive satellite log: to include OH5 and PY2 (CW) and ZD7 and 3B8 (SSB)

The day seemed to pass in a blur (!).. with red buses .. the problems  of digital and CW/SSB stations side by side.. (aerials or equipment?).. a VHF QSO with Simon G4VTR speaking in half sentences..Neil’s impressive satellite QSO’s with many stations including ZD7  St. Helena.. Phils antenna problems resolved by a good team effort.. the welcome visitors.. M6KET’s radio- friendly neighbour John, G4JSV , Gary G5RGS and Derek G1INC with a very obedient dog …M0LQY’s 36 digi contacts..the rare glimpse of M6KET on SSB … the longest wait for two bacon rolls .. chocolate bars and coffee throughout the day… and then the striking of camp.. the Easy-Ups no more compliant in Easy–Down mode and the organised  retreat to base and  much cursing of the spiral staircase in Wythall House as we returned the equipment to the basement..  ultimately everything packed away neatly(?) by 5.00 pm.

Would we do it again? Of course we would: a  great team club event , many good contacts made in CW/SSB/Digital and Satellite.

Many thanks to the team.. the unfailing good humour in  the face of some climate challenges, and of course to our Hosts Wythall Transport Museum


MEET 7.00 PM