wythall radio club

having fun with RF

Colin G6ZDQ – SK

May 17, 2017 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, News

Colin G6ZDQ

It is with sadness that Wythall Radio Club reports the loss, early this morning, of founder member Colin G6ZDQ.

Colin was one of the original members of Wythall Radio Club back in 1981. Among other things, he helped dig out the cellar where we now meet and was for many years a stalwart of the club. 

In recent years, declining health meant he was not heard as much on air as he, and we, would have liked, but he especially loved VHF and would, even in later years, be found taking part in the Club Contests at Christmas and Easter.

We send our condolences to his family, especially his partner Jan and daughter Anna.

RIP Colin G6ZDQ Silent Key.

A fuller appreciation will appear on this website at a later date.