wythall radio club

having fun with RF

IOTA Successes

September 25, 2016 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Contest, Fun, News


Lee G0MTN operating G4WAC/P through the night

Cast your mind back a few weeks and you will recall that members of Wythall Radio Club were out have fun with RF on the field at Wythall Park.

As part of our annual BBQ and Field Day, we also put in an entry for the RSGB Islands on the Air contest.

Well the provisional results are out and it’s good news all round!

Our club station G4WAC finished 3rd in the mixed mode Low Power section, while Jamie 2E0SDV, our 16 year old member, looks like finishing 2nd in the SSB assisted High Power section, while operating as MS0YHC from the Orkneys.

Certificates all round then, we hope. We should tip the hat in the direction of Stan & Lee who pretty much ran the station for the full 24 hours. Well done, guys!