wythall radio club

having fun with RF

The Magic of Circuits…

March 24, 2013 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, News

Being involved with radio in any way inevitably means that at some point, one has to face up to the technical side of the hobby. However, it would be true to say that this aspect of the hobby does not always come easily to all of us. Circuit diagrams, for example, are not always easy to read – trying to see exactly understand how a circuit works can be quite daunting for many of us.


These days computer software is a big help in helping our understanding of circuitry and this Tuesday, Wythall Radio Club is proud to be presenting a talk on one particular type of software which can assist us in this.

Chris G0EYO is doing a presentation for us on the “Circuit Wizard” range of software. Chris uses this in his training sessions for our students and is just the man to explain how it works and how we as radio enthusiasts can use it to help us in our hobby.

Interested? Then come along this Tuesday at 2030 to Wythall House, Silver Street Wythall B47 6LZ. You will be very welcome!