Having Fun with RF at a Fun Run
Yesterday saw the annual Wythall Fun Run. And the members of Wythall Radio Club were out in force – not running, you understand, but, as you might expect, providing communications for the event.
Around 16 members handled two-way radio comms for all the race control point marshals and for race control.
Proof that Morse-mad John M6KET knows how to talk on the radio too!
This is the second year we have done this and, as you might expect, we are getting a little better at it. All involved reported that they had had great fun while helping the early morning event to go off as smoothly as possible.
GB3WL, our UHF repeater station, was pressed into service and performed admirably. Roy G0HDF reported finding himself distracted by ladies stripping for action at one checkpoint(!) while John M6KET, who is known for being 100% exclusively a Morse Code man, was actually heard using voice on the air for the first time ever!
Sadly, the weather was a little variable and it was a pity about the torrential downpour part way through the event. But well done to everyone involved, both participants and organisers, and especially the brave lady (wearing 887) who, although she came last, got the biggest cheer of the day!
Here are a few pictures to give you a flavour of the morning’s events – thanks to Anita 2E0DUO, Stuart M0NYP & Chris G0EYO for those…