wythall radio club

having fun with RF

Jamie’s Number One!

November 04, 2015 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Contest, Fun, News

CQWW screen

Click the picture once, then click again for more information on Jamie’s scores

Yet more good news for 15-year-old Wythall Radio Club member, Jamie 2E0SDV.  We have just heard that young Jamie has performed very well in the recent CQ Worldwide Radio Contest.

Jamie recently spent the majority of a 24 hour period on the radio, trying to get as many contacts as possible (without falling asleep for too long!) And it looks like he succeeded. Recent raw scores show him in 16th place in the world for his section, 40 metres low power.

Jamie’s licence restricts him to just 50 watts output power, but he certainly uses it to good effect. Using a SOTAbeams dipole, his raw score of 26,325 points also places him 11th in Europe, but a rather magnificent 1st in the UK.

Adjudicated scores are yet to be finalised, but we would bet Jamie will still be there or thereabouts.

Certificate on the way? We hope so!