wythall radio club

having fun with RF

Out in the Field

May 08, 2017 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News

People join clubs for various reasons, but high among the reasons people join Wythall Radio Club is the opportunity afforded them to “play radio” with a group of like-minded colleagues.

So it was yesterday, when the weather in Wythall turned decidedly warm – for once, we were quick off the mark too, to arrange one of our “Plug and Play Days”.

Several members managed to get out on the fields behind Wythall Park for some back-to-basics radio, with a generator providing power and members bringing all kinds of strange antennas and radios to do some RF experimentation.

A great time was had by all, and the sun was caught by a few! Just as well there was an ice-cream van and a refreshing cooling bar nearby!

Perhaps we should change the name of such events to “Plug, Play & Pint Days”…