wythall radio club

having fun with RF

Big scores in April DX Challenge

May 04, 2021 By: Chris G3YHF Category: Club, Fun, News

Big scores were reported in Wythall Radio Club’s April DX challenge – but it was a two-horse race!

With warm Spring weather tempting members’ activities outside the shack, it was left to Chris G0EYO and Lee G0MTN to chase the DX.

Using the 80 and 20 meter bands, all continents were contacted except Australia/Oceania and Antarctica (always a challenge!). 

Well done Chris on 126 countries worked using a long wire and FT8.  And even though the nights are getting shorter, 80 meters still produced 42 countries!

The countries that Chris and Lee contacted in the other 5 continents included Hong Kong, Venezuela, Mozambique, Canada and Albania.

In addition, Lee worked 10 countries on 6 meters.

For a full list of countries, click here