wythall radio club

having fun with RF

Awards galore for Wythall radio amateurs!

March 21, 2020 By: Chris G3YHF Category: Club, Fun, News

It’s been a great month for awards won by Wythall Radio Club members!

Lee G0MTN had a nice surprise!  In the post were two plaques from the ARRL – the US amateur radio association – commemorating his radio achievements.

The ‘5 band DXCC’ plaque is in recognition of having confirmed contacts with radio amateurs in 100 countries on each of five different amateur radio bands. 

Lee also received the DXCC Challenge 2000 Award.  Lee received the initial award which is earned by working and confirming 1,000 DXCC band-points.  One band-point is scored each time a new country is contacted and confirmed on each of the global amateur bands from 160 meters to 6 meters. 

It’s taken a lot of hard work! And still plenty to do to get to 3,000!

Meanwhile Chris G0EYO – who leads our Club’s training programme – was the leading Wythall RC entrant in the Midland Inter-Club GMT competition, organised by Solihull Amateur Radio Society.  Full details of the competition and awards are available here.

Well done Chris and Lee!